The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Top News 29 November 2021 Future-oriented town and city centres

A new federal programme introduced this year is to subsidise 238 municipalities from all over Germany to support them in the development of their town and city centres.

The budget committee of the German Parliament increased the funds allocated to this federal programme tenfold from originally 25 million euros to 250 million euros in summer. The increase facilitates comprehensive support for cities and municipalities throughout Germany, irrespective of their size. The measures must be implemented by 2025 at the latest.

The project initiative for “Future-oriented town and city centres” mainly earmarks funds for conceptual measures that pave the way for the sustainable development of city centres, town centres and local centres and that tackle current problems, especially those arising from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, not only in an ad-hoc way with regards to construction, but with a long-term vision. However, investments in construction measures are also proportionally supported in order to be able to quickly remedy acute vacancy rates by means of creative ideas and new partners. It is therefore planned to further develop the city centre areas as vibrant and appealing places for trade, commerce, education, culture, living and leisure.

The positive response to the call for projects points to the major effort needed in the city centres, underlining the vast potential of excellent approaches and ideas available in many cities. The federal programme is intended to bring about a multitude of projects and good examples for the development of town and city centres, which can then be applied in cities and municipalities, irrespective of their size and initial situation.

The BBSR will network the cities and municipalities, organise the sharing of knowledge and translate insights gained from the programme into recommendations for action. “It is impressive how many excellent solutions have been developed in town halls to strengthen the centres as the heart of the cities and municipalities,” says the Director of the BBSR, Dr Markus Eltges. “The implementation of the concepts is not a sprint, but a marathon. I am optimistic that the federal programme will bring forth a variety of initiatives that will work in towns and cities of different sizes."

For further information about the federal programme and a comprehensive list of all funding projects, please refer to: (in German).

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