The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

What moves us (tomorrow)?

IzR 2.2015, Ed.: BBSR

Jens Schippl, Markus Edelmann, Maike Puhe, Max Reichenbach
Assessments of eco-efficient mobility futures – a visionary view of the European level


Since many years, numerous, very different approaches for an improvement of the eco-efficiency in the transport sector are being discussed. However, different views still seem to exist on how such a transformation of the transport system can be managed.

Against this background, this article seeks to indicate feasible ways towards a more eco-efficient transport system. The point of departure is a project that has been carried out under the title "Eco-efficient transport" for the STOA1-panel of the European Parliament. With the aid of three scenarios, different ways towards a more eco-efficient European transport system are outlined.
The results of scenarios strongly depend on the assumptions which were made in the construction of the scenarios. Against this background, particular value was attached to design the scenarios in such a way that they are transparent and understandable.
The scenarios and their elements (assumptions) were initially discussed with stakeholders in the framework of a workshop which was prepared with the aid of a questionnaire. As a complement to the STOA-project, the questionnaire was additionally completed by 40 scientists. The aim was to obtain a better knowledge whether and for which reasons different stakeholders and scientists consider the scenarios and their elements desirable and feasible. Policy options for the design of an eco-efficient transport system can be derived from the results and can be discussed with regard to their relevance, their feasibility and their desirability.

The results show that approaches certainly exist for which there is a broad consensus among stakeholders and scientists with regard to their desirability and feasibility.

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