The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Publication Landflucht? Gesellschaft in Bewegung

Editor: BBSR Series: IzR (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung) Issue: 2.2016 Published: 2016 Language: German / English

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More and more people are drawn into the cities, while rural areas are continuously losing population. Recently the media have also been mentioning the rural exodus. Many studies are confirming this development, while the results are often reduced simplistically to "crowded cities" and "ailing villages". However, the differentiated reality shows that some rural regions are experiencing the demographic change particularly strongly, while other rural regions are gaining population. Many large cities and larger medium-sized cities are booming, but others are affected by out-migration as well. It depends on the regional context, the economic structure and often also on the neighbourhood, i.e. on the proximity to centres or agglomerations.

In this issue the subject "rural exodus" is therefore discussed objectively, outlining facts, statistics and the scientific discourse.

Scientific Editor:
Antonia Milbert ( )
Dr. Gabriele Sturm

Most articles are in German (three articles are in English).


Antonia Milbert
(no Abstract)

Stephan Beetz
The discourse on the rural exodus – on dealing with spatial ambiguities

Antonia Milbert, Gabriele Sturm
Internal migration in Germany between 1975 and 2013

István Ferencsik
Internal migration tendencies in Hungary till 2010 (in English)

Tomasz Komornicki
Migration outflow from rural areas in Poland after the year 2004 (in English)

Olaf Foss
Rural out-migration in Norway (in English)

Steffen Maretzke
Demographic change in rural areas
Space is as varied as the development is different

Hans Joachim Kujath
Rural regions in the knowledge society and in the global market

Waldemar Vogelgesang, Luisa Kersch
To be young! And that in the countryside?

Kathrin Funk, Sandra Schlee
Young people in rural areas –

Gerlind Weber
To move or to stay?
Migration and staying behaviour of young women in rural areas

Caroline Dangel-Vornbäumen
To leave and to return!
Future perspectives for women in rural areas

Tatjana Fischer
The future of being old in the countryside

Christoph Baumann
The pleasure of rurality – on the persistence and variation of idyllic rurality

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