The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Settlement in a wine-growing region

Spatial development

Creating equal living conditions is a permanent task of the Federal Government, federal states and municipalities. People should be able to establish a home in all parts and regions of the country and live well there. The BBSR supports this policy with spatial analyses on a national and international level, as well as model initiatives and a regional planning forecast, with the aim of achieving more equal living conditions.

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Research projects

Urban resilience strategies in the G7 countries

Status: Ongoing Started: Since January 2024

Department Stores in Transition

Status: Completed Project duration: April 2022 – December 2023

The potential of circular economy for rural development in Germany and Europe

Status: Completed Project duration: August 2022 – November 2023

All research projects on the topic

Publications on the topic


Research News Research News Issue No. 2/2023 |

Implementation of the territorial agenda 2030 - Joining Forces for Rural Areas Impulses for cooperative regional development in Germany and Europe Individual publication

Kleinstädte international IzR (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung) Issue 1/2023 |

India, Germany and Europe A Spatial Perspective at SDG 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue 01/2023 |

India, Germany and Europe A Spatial Perspective at SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue 05/2022 |

India, Germany and Europe A Spatial Perspective at SDG 5 on Gender Equality BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue 03/2022 |

Small Towns in Germany
BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue 02/2022 |

Stadtentwicklung beobachten, messen und umsetzen IzR (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung) Issue 1/2021 |

Discussion Forum on Spatial Development
Spatial development policy for a just and green Europe: "The Territorial Agenda 2030" MORO Informationen Issue Issue 14/9 |

The urban dimension in the EU Cohesion Policy in Germany EU Funding Period 2014–2020 Individual publication

Atlas for the Territorial Agenda 2030 Maps on European Territorial Development Individual publication

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