The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning


The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) is the publisher of printed and digital factual magazines, journals, and information brochures. You can download free publications directly from the Internet or order a print version. They can partly be found through the search function below. For a complete access to all free downloads visit the category "Veröffentlichungen" on the German homepage.

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183 Search results

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of urban development for the common good

of urban development for the common good

Individual publication


1MB File meets accessibility standards


1MB File meets accessibility standards

German Small Town Academy – Pilot Phase

Empowerment of Small Towns through collaboration, consulting and networking

Empowerment of Small Towns through collaboration, consulting and networking

Individual publication


4MB File meets accessibility standards


4MB File meets accessibility standards

India, Germany and Europe

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities

BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue: 15/2020 |


11MB File meets accessibility standards


11MB File meets accessibility standards

India, Germany and Europe

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 4 on Quality Education

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 4 on Quality Education

BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue: 13/2020 |


15MB File meets accessibility standards


15MB File meets accessibility standards

India, Germany and Europe

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being

A Spatial Perspective at SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being

BBSR-Analysen KOMPAKT Issue: 11/2020 |


11MB File meets accessibility standards


11MB File meets accessibility standards

Gleichwertigkeit in Europa

Zwischen Unzufriedenheit und Zusammenarbeit

Zwischen Unzufriedenheit und Zusammenarbeit

IzR (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung) Issue: 3/2019 |

Printed version

19 EUR
plus postage

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Chancen, Dynamiken, Potenziale

Chancen, Dynamiken, Potenziale

IzR (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung) Issue: 6/2018 |

Printed version

19 EUR
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